Toolbar Release History ======================= V1.2.0 - 09/12/94 ----------------- a) Setting Status property of MDI toolbar in Form_Load event now works correctly. b) Floating toolbar can no longer be docked when MDI form is hidden. c) Floating toolbar can no longer be activated when modal dialog displayed. d) Disabling toolbar control now disables docked/floating toolbars correctly. e) FloatLeft/FloatTop properties correctly return current position of floating toolbar (relative to top-left of MDI client area). If there is no floating toolbar then values returned are last known position of floating toolbar. f) Creating additional control array elements at runtime now works; note that although the button picture is copied, individual button properties are not. g) Added BtnTag property - similar to standard Tag property but each button has its own value. h) Added AutoSize property for non-MDI toolbars - the size of these toolbars can now be changed if this property is set False. i) Added HwndTB and HwndDock properties. j) Added MouseBtn property. k) Double clicking on a docked toolbar will no longer make the toolbar float if the AllowFloat property is False. V1.1.2 - 17/10/94 ----------------- a) Fixed bug in painting shadow on right of button in up position. b) Fixed bug which prevented button selection using mouse in design mode if BtnVisible property was set False. V1.1.1 - 16/10/94 ----------------- a) Fixed bug in painting when style set to 3D. b) Fixed bug which caused GPF if bitmap created by setting Buttons property without first setting the Picture property. V1.1.0 - 11/10/94 ----------------- a) Improved method of unsubclassing MDI frame and client windows to reduce chances of GPF or memory leak. Still not foolproof but about the best that can be done (remaining problems could cause minor memory leak in Toolbar local heap but this is very unlikely to cause any problems unless huge numbers of toolbars are used). b) Added support for 256 colour bitmaps - i.e. made control palette aware. c) Button properties are no longer reset when the Picture/PicWidth/PicHeight properties are updated. If the number of buttons changes then either new button definitions are added or existing ones deleted. d) Made Buttons property assignable. Setting the value of this property will resize the toolbar bitmap and create/destroy button definitions as necessary. e) Added BtnPicture property to allow the image for individual buttons to be accessed. f) Faster painting by building a temporary bitmap containing blank button images to speed up painting of individual buttons. Items(d) and (e) above allow a new approach to toolbar design based on a library of individual button bitmaps - e.g. set required number of buttons and then load the button image and set properties for each button. V1.0.4 - 28/9/94 ---------------- a) Fixed bug caused by MDI frame subclassing added in V1.0.3. The problem occurred when another control was also subclassing the MDI window and the result was a GPF when the form was unloaded unless care was taken to ensure that the subclassing was undon in the reverse of the order in which it was done. The fix was to delay the removal of the subclassing hook until the MDI frame window is destroyed. This is safe but may result in a memory leak on the toolbar local heap if other controls do not use the same technique. V1.0.3 - 27/9/94 ---------------- a) Modified MDI form activation logic so that a floating toolbar window is never active. The colour of the caption bar is determined by the activation state of the MDI form. This also fixed a problem where tooltips would not appear for buttons on a floating toolbar unless the MDI window was active - i.e. if the toolbar window was active there were no tooltips. This fix required that the MDI frame window be subclassed to detect changes in activation status. V1.0.2 - 26/9/94 ---------------- a) Fixed bug which caused a GPF if the form containing the toolbar was unloaded within a ButtonClick event. Added check for toolbar existence when ButtonClick event returns. V1.0.1 - 25/9/94 ---------------- a) Fixed bug relating to saving/loading forms in text format. When using text format VB seems to set properties in property number order and if the Align property is used it causes errors of the Left/Width properties occur after it (you can't change these properties if a control is aligned to the top/bottom of a form). Reordering of properties to place the Align property after the Left/Width properties fixed the problem but was not compatible with non-text forms saved with V1.0.0 - a note was distributed with the upgrade to this effect. V1.0.0 - 23/9/94 ---------------- Original release.